Friday, November 20, 2009

Link building Mistakes

It is the most important aspects of SEO. It is a time consuming activity. While doing link exchange of your website, one should be aware of some common mistakes which are discussed below:

1 - Do not get the back links from those websites which having “no follow” attribute.

2 - You are getting back links from high PR websites but hyperlink text may not have your main keywords.

3 - You must be focused on getting text links with your keywords for SEO purposes rather than getting image links. You can get image links if this is the only way but be assure that alt text of your linking image must has your main keywords.

4 - Avoid getting back links from irrelevant websites. This is very popular mistakes done by link exchangers. Just focus on relevant websites.

5 - Avoid getting back links from those websites with pages having number of links. Focus on those websites with pages not more than 50-60 links.

6 - Do not get the back links from the pages which spiders do not crawl like dynamic pages or those pages that are banned by search engines.

7 - Good quality back links may spam you. Suppose you got a link from a relevant website of high PR. But after some time, it starts publishing irrelevant ads or other objectionable things. This will also hurt your website. So, you should monitor your back links on weekly basis and remove such type of links from your website.

8 - Buying/Selling links may attract you but it is out of fashion now because Google can easily trace you and panelize your website.

SEO link building is a natural process of getting theme based quality back links from relevant websites. A proper link building pushes your website up in the search engines ranking slowly but steadily. It increases your web traffic also.